Water Environment Management Aqua-Service Co., Ltd. Contact us to see how we can help with your environmental purification, water quality improvement, cultivation environment improvement, or soil improvement project.

Can be applied to any type of tree. Helps restore the vigor of weak trees!

■Product features and benefits
Aqualift T is a microbial material made of fine microbial powder of 45 microns, and has excellent capabilities in colonizing, proliferating, self-sustaining and dominating. Aqualift T is currently a patent-pending product.
After dusting, the Aqualift bacteria proliferate and persist over the long term.
Aqualift penetrates deeply into the soil around the roots of weakened trees, fruit trees, old trees, sacred trees and potted trees to amend soil and restore vitality. Aqualift is
an exceptional product in terms of cost versus benefit.
Aqualift T bacteria compete with pathogenic bacteria to suppress their growth and mitigate disease in trees. Moreover, when the Aqualift bacteria is absorbed by trees, it builds their resistance to disease.
Aqualift T is also used across Japan by gardeners and tree doctors.
Spreading Aqualift T on fruit trees improves aeration of the soil and strengthens roots. Directly introducing Aqualift T bacteria into trees also provides the tree with overall vitality, makes the tree resistant to disease, and produces fruit with improved
sweetness, taste, scent and longevity.
The excretions of Aqualift bacteria contains many nutrients, such as amino acids, and trees grow greener leaves and more healthy fruit. It has been successfully used by JA in instructing many orchard and tea farms in commercial agriculture.
Aqualift bacteria breaks down sulfides and harmful pathogens occurring around roots, and improves the quality of hard soil with poor aeration.
Spreading Aqualift in planting holes or in a tree pot when planting trees improves tree vitality.
Aqualift bacteria remain active in low temperatures and may be spread any time throughout the year.
Aqualift can also be spread in winter.

■Principal applications
For trees, potted trees, old trees, sacred trees, preserved trees, garden trees, city trees, hedges etc
For fruit tree cultivation, farming and gardening etc.
For potted trees, bonsai, ornamental plants etc.
Restores vigor, prevents disease, and improves soil for trees and fruit trees in general.
Can be used on any type of tree or fruit tree.

For vegetable and flower cultivation, check out Aqualift 300LN.
For rice and lotus root cultivation, check out Aqualift 500PN.
For smaller areas, such as garden trees and home fruit trees, check out Aqualift S.


■Product description

Aqualift T-M
Bottle size: 10cm(h)x9.5cm(d)
As powder packaged in
a 500 g bottle
With measuring spoon (approx. 30-35 g)

【Standard Use】
Spread approx. 10-20 g per 1 square meter, or approx. 33-66 g per 1 tsubo.
¥ 3,520
(including tax)

Appearance: reddish-brown powder
Odor: Odorless
Ingredients: Anaerobic/aerobic bacteria, montmorillonite blend

Easy-to-use powder type.
Dissolve in water (well water, river water, rain water) before spreading.

Aqualift T
Bottle size: 15.5cm(h)x10cm(d)
In 1kg bottle
With measuring spoon
(approx. 30-35 g)

【Standard Use】
Spread approx. 10-20 g per 1 square meter, or approx. 33-66 g per 1 tsubo.
¥ 6,050
(including tax)

※Cases of three include a discount and shipping fees.
Aqualift T case of 3
Powder in 1 kg bottle×3
With measuring spoon
(about 30 to 35 g)

¥ 17,710
(Including tax and shipping)

※Cases of six include a discount and shipping fees.
Aqualift T case of 6
Powder in 1 kg bottle×6
With three measuring spoons
(about 30 to 35 g)

¥ 34,540
(Including tax and shipping)

※Cases of twelve include a discount and shipping fees.
Aqualift T case of 12
Powder in 1 kg bottle×12
With three measuring spoons
(about 30 to 35 g)

¥ 67,540
(Including tax and shipping)

For disease prevention, improving quality and amending soil with organically-cultivated vegetables, flowers and root vegetables,
check out Aqualift organic fertilizer.

Aqualift organic fertilizer

For potted tree pots and bonsai pots, check out the Aqua Web Shop 'Pots'.

■Where to use
(1) Trees, fruit trees, potted trees, garden trees, sacred trees, old trees, preserved trees, hedges etc.
【Restore vitality, prevent disease, and amend soil】

Aqualift has been used to restore various types of plants, including sacred and old trees that are hundreds of years old, as well as roses. Consider the following.

Pictures of results and comparative pics are posted of areas where Aqualift was used, both before application
and after application on trees. Pictures reveal process from very beginning.
Example of restoration of roses 10 years of age (These roses are now 17 years old as of 2016).

【How to Use Aqualift on Fruit Trees, Trees, Potted Trees, and Garden Trees】
Use the accompanying measuring spoon to measure out approx. 30 to 35 g.
※With liquids, measurement should be 30cc. With Aqualift powder, measurement should be approx. 30 to 35 g.
Dissolve in water and spread 10 to 20 g per 1square meter on soil in a ring around trunk below branches. Should area be especially problematic, increase potency of the preparation.  ※See illustration
(※Neutralize all chlorine in tap water.)
Even if you spread more than the recommended amount of Aqualift bacteria, there will be no ill effects on your soil or trees.
The dilution amount with water has no bearing on the amount spread. Around 7 to 8 liters of water in a bucket is the standard amount that will dissolve the 25 to 50 g of Aqualift. Stir well and spread from a watering can or ladle.
When watering trees 2 to 3 days after applying Aqualift, use water other than tap water (or neutralized tap water). Chlorine content may kill the bacteria and negate the efficacy of Aqualift. After 2 to 3 days, the bacteria will have proliferated in the soil, and watering with tap water will have no ill effects on the established bacteria.
You may water with well water, river water, pond water and spring water that has no chlorine content.
When using large amounts of tap water on gardens and trees, it is fine to first spread the water on the soil and then immediately after spread Aqualift. (The chlorine in the water will be neutralized in the soil.)

Spread a standard 10 to 20 g per 1 square meter for particularly weak trees, fruit trees and sick trees; however, to prevent and mitigate disease in fruit tree cultivation, spread 5 g per 1 square meter.
Should you spread Aqualift unevenly, the bacteria will proliferate and spread around the area.
Aqualift is a soil amendment preparation. It does not contain fertilizers, therefore you should also apply fertilizers in conjunction with Aqualift. The Aqualift bacteria will further breakdown the fertilizer to allow tree roots to absorb it more readily.
■Regarding bactericides, pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers
Should bactericides/pesticides be used, bacteria that have made direct contact with the surface of the ground will die; however, as the effects of the bactericide fades, the bacteria will emerge from the ground and immediately proliferate with no ill effects.
Herbicides and chemical fertilizers do not affect the bacteria.

■Effects After Use

Aqualift T is blended with bacteria and special minerals for trees and fruit trees.
Two to 3 weeks after you spread Aqualift, the leaves on your trees will have improved luster and color and the soil will improve, and the vigor of your trees will be restored.
Your fruit trees will bear good-quality fruit. Your tree flowers will be more vibrant, larger and colorful.
Your soil will stabilize with only one dusting, so you do not need to apply Aqualift frequently.
After spreading Aqualift, the bacteria will reside in the soil where rainwater can penetrate and allow them to proliferate.
When dissolving in water and spreading, roots may seethe during periods of high temperatures, such as in the summer. Therefore, spread Aqualift in cooler times, such as during the morning or evening, and on cloudy/rainy days.
Aqualift S is available for trees with smaller areas (10 square meter or less). However, for larger areas with higher disease occurrence (such as with old trees), use Aqualift T, which is made to deliver special minerals and bacteria to trees and fruit trees.

【Spreading Aqualift T】

Spreading with a Power Sprayer

【Truck tank and power sprayer】
Place Aqualift in truck tank, and mix using water pump as you use a power sprayer to spread.
Spread 10 to 20 g per square meter.

Introduce approx. 500 g to 1 kg of Aqualift to approx. 250 to 500 liters of water, and spread while stirring.
Use as much water as possible and as little Aqualift as possible to prevent Aqualift from settling on the bottom of the tank, or clogging the hose. This solution is sufficiently effective. Under these conditions, you can spread Aqualift on approx. 25 to 100 square meter. (approx. 10 to 20 g per square meter)

Even should you spread the solution unevenly per square meter, the Aqualift bacteria will emerge from the montmorillonite granule cores, penetrate the soil, and gradually proliferate. The granule cores will persist in the soil for the long term.

Spreading from a Bucket or Watering Can

Introduce Aqualift to a bucket filled with water
Stir with a ladle
Place solution in a watering can and spread approx. 10 to 20 g per square meter

Introduce approx. 25 to 50 g of Aqualift to approx. 7 to 8 liters of water, stir well, and spread via watering can, ladle or sprayer. The solution will tend to settle on the bottom, so stir as you spread. Under these conditions, you can spread Aqualift over approx. 1.2 to 5 square meter. (approx. 10 to 20 g per square meter)

When dissolving in water, the solution will tend to settle on the bottom; therefore, stir well as you spread via watering can, ladle or sprayer.
The dilution concentration of the water has no particular relation to the effectiveness of the solution. Use the above as a guide for the amount of water in which the solution will dissolve.

Spreading Aqualift in Granulated Culture Soil

When spreading Aqualift across a large area, such as in orchards or tea fields, we recommend adding Aqualift powder to granulated culture soil and spreading by hand or by spreader.

Place granulated culture soil in a tray and add amount of Aqualift to spread
Stir until evenly mixed
Spread soil with Aqualift around trees

Place amount of Aqualift to be spread and 5 times or more granulated culture soil in a tray,
and stir until evenly mixed.
  Making soil mix 

【Spreading by Hand or Power Sprayer】

Spreading by hand (with a watering can)    Spreading with a power sprayer   

【Neutralizing Chlorine in Tap Water】
For those using tap water to dissolve Aqualift, take note of the following.
Tap water contains chlorine, and directly mixing Aqualift into tap water will affect the bacteria.
Therefore, when using tap water, follow the instructions in pictures to neutralize the chlorine

prior to using tap water. 

【Effective Period】
The effective period of Aqualift is approximately 3 years, regardless if the bottle is opened or not. Keep the bottle lid on tightly and store in room temperature.
(The bacteria remain dormant as long as water is not added.)

【Aqualift Application Frequency】
Aqualift bacteria will become established and propagate with only one application, and need not be applied frequently.
If the conditions are right, Aqualift will have long-term lasting effects. However, you should apply Aqualift again, depending on some conditions, such as the soil becoming hard or poor tree growth.Keep watch of the conditions, and apply once every 1 to 2 years.
When re-applying, Aqualift bacteria will become established with less amounts than the initial application.
■Where to use
(2) Potted Trees and Bonsai
【Restores Tree Vitality and Amends Soil】

【How to Use Aqualift for Potting Trees/Bonsai】
Use the accompanying measuring spoon to measure out approx. 30 to 35 g.
※With liquids, measurement should be 30cc. With Aqualift powder, measurement should be approx. 30 to 35 g.
Dose should be 5 g for small pots, 10 g for large pots.
Directly spread over the top of the soil with the accompanying spoon, and water with a watering can on top of soil with water other than tap water.
(or neutralized tap water)
Even if you spread more than the recommended amount of Aqualift bacteria, there will be no ill effects on your soil or trees.
When watering trees 2 to 3 days after applying Aqualift, use water other than tap water (or neutralized tap water).
Chlorine content may kill the bacteria and negate the efficacy of Aqualift. After 2 to 3 days, the bacteria will have proliferated in the soil, and watering with tap water will have no ill effects on the established bacteria.

※You may water with well water, river water, pond water and spring water that has no chlorine content.
Aqualift bacteria proliferates in the entire pot, and will not leak through the bottom of the pot.

※We have received positive feedback on the effects of Aqualift T from our customers.
My red tip photinia, which had suffered from black-spot disease, has recovered to envy of everyone. It now looks vividly colorful with large leaves.
After using Aqualift on a tree that was withering, it showed dramatic results, and there is abundant new growth with dark leaves.
After spreading Aqualift on a weak tree, it became covered in snow, but with spring, it sprang back into life like it was a different plant, and produced wonderful flowers.
My red pines recovered from pestalotia disease. When I showed this to other gardeners, they were quite surprised.
It's easy to use, it gave my trees vitality, and produced larger harvests.
Seven branches of my bonsai tree were withered, but when I spread Aqualift, they made an amazing recovery.
When I spread Aqualift on my Japanese pepper and holly, the following year the branches strengthened, and the tree blossomed and produced a lot of red fruit.
My 100-year old pine, which had turned yellow due to an herbicide, recovered its health.
I had applied too much fertilizer to the soil causing root rot and my treeユs branches started to wither, but when I used Aqualift, all of the withered branches developed new buds.
I have a pine that a landscaper told me couldnユt be saved, but several months after applying Aqualift, it recovered its vitality.
I had an apple tree that didnユt produce any sugar for decades, but now it produces sugar in its fruit.
My dwarf azalea that was on the edge of death recovered, and there are now leaves beginning to bud on the withered branches.
I had a boxthorn that did not show any flower buds for 16 years, but now I am surprised that it is starting to bloom.
When I spread Aqualift in my rose garden, I saw more rose buds than I could have imagined, and the flowers themselves display a good shape and vivid colors.
I used Aqualift on my Chinese citron, and their sweetness improved incredibly.
My fruit orchard with peaches and nectarines recovered from disease.
The vigor returned to my old trees, and there are flowers blooming on branches that never had them before.
The color and luster of flowers and leaves has really come out, and the leaves are a dark green.
My tree has healed completely.
The sacred cedar that is over 400 years old and was withering has made a recovery (approx. 4 months)
The weeping cherry tree inside the temple grounds that was withering and that we had given up on made an amazing recovery in about 3 months.

※For more customer feedback, click on the button on the top of the page or this one.

Aqualift has been praised by devoted gardeners, landscapers, tree doctors, orchard farmers, and general home-owners for its abilities to restore tree vigor, amend soil, and prevent disease. Many Aqualift customers come back to use the product again.
Give it a try and see the effects for yourself.

1. This is a pamphlet for Aqualift T that may be posted or used to promote sales. If you happen to spot it, give it a read.

2. Advertisements for Aqualift T appears in specialist agricultural magazines and industry journals for modern agriculture, fruit tree saplings, fruit in Japan, tree doctors, roses, fruit tree cultivation, gardening, and tree cultivating.
1.Pamphlet for Aqualift T 2.Ads in specialist magazines and industry journals

Examples of Aqualift T in Use (Before, during and after comparisons)
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熊本県 C栽培農家 お茶栽培
佐賀県 J集合住宅 庭木
熊本県 Gみかん栽培農家
福岡県 Oセンリョウ栽培農家
大阪府 Mゴルフ場
熊本県 M栽培農家 お茶栽培
熊本県 D栽培農家 ナシ果樹園
熊本県 ZYお茶栽培農家
福岡県 D様邸 庭木
大阪市 T公園バラ園
奈良県 Dゴルフ場
熊本県 NHお茶栽培農家
熊本県 OTお茶栽培農家
熊本県 GTお茶栽培農家
熊本県 SKお茶栽培農家
熊本県 Dお茶栽培農家
熊本県 AMお茶栽培農家
熊本県 Kお茶栽培農家
熊本県 Cモモ・ナシ栽培農家
熊本県 Nナシ栽培農家
熊本県 Mナシ栽培農家
熊本県 Zナシ栽培農家
熊本県 G栽培農家 お茶栽培
熊本県 H栽培農家 ナシ果樹園
熊本県 M栽培農家 お茶栽培
熊本県 T栽培農家 ナシ果樹園
熊本県 Y栽培農家 お茶栽培
熊本県 K栽培農家 お茶栽培
大阪府 Uマンション 生垣
熊本県 T栽培農家 桃果樹園
熊本県 G栽培農家 お茶圃場
大阪府 H公園
大阪府 Eゴルフ場 松・槙
京都府 G寺院内 松
大阪府 A公園 梅
神奈川県 M様邸
愛知県 F園
福岡県 B柿農園
京都府 A園
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※Aqualift is a registered trademark of Aqua-Service Co., Ltd.
For vegetable/flower cultivation and compost making, check out Aqualift 300LN.
To break down sludge and improve water quality in garden ponds, check out the biological preparation Aqualift 700PN.
For fountains and water palettes, check out the control preparation B-50.
To save 20% on your water bill and not even notice, check out the Water-Saving Bulb SK-40.
For cleaning that prioritizes the transparency of large bodies of water, like lakes and marches, large reservoirs and ditches, check out Flow Biotron Formula.

※All unauthorized use or reproduction of, and linking to, information on this site, including photographs and illustrations, is prohibited.